Thursday, 11 July 2013

Jehovah's Witnesses - challenge accepted!

I met the Jehovah's Witnesses today, and they gave me a copy of the Watchtower magazine.  On page 7 a challenge was issued.  It is this:  "The next time you meet Jehovah’s Witnesses, why not ask them why they trust their religion? Examine their teachings and their record."

Okay, let's do that:

  1. They predicted the end of the world in 1914 (later changed), 1925 and 1975 (to name a few).  
  2. They are as guilty as certain other religious organisations on child abuse and cover-ups.
  3. They do not believe historic Christian teachings on the Trinity, the soul, salvation or eternity (to name a few).  Their beliefs contradict the Bible.
  4. They mistranslated the Bible, and published it as the New World Translation - so that they have a Bible that fits their beliefs.
  5. A "Bible study" turns out to be a study of a Watchtower book, rather than the Bible.
  6. Their organisation bans "independent thinking", encouraging complete obedience to the Watchtower Society.  Members are not allowed to read books critical of JW teachings.
So their teachings and record show that they are not the true Christian faith they make themselves out to be, but are in fact a cult based on Christianity.

If you are thinking about studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses, by all means, "Examine their teachings and their record."

Image: Google Images


  1. Thnx for your post..I couldn't have said it better myself..

    I had to chuckle when I read about 'The Bible Study'...every time I post a question I get the same response..It's like they are programmed to only say certain things..

    God Bless..

  2. Response:
    “If you are thinking about studying with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, by all means, ‘Examine their teachings and their record.’” I couldn't agree more!

    1. 1914 was the end of the Gentile Times, and World War 1 started then which did in fact end the “world”. 1925 was not about the end of the world. 1975 was and still is about 6,000 years of humankind’s history since Adam. It was tentatively speculated to be 6,000 years of sin as well to usher in Armageddon. That’s it. Your claim this is only “a few” is wrong. [1]

    2. No cover-ups of pedophilia, you’re mistaken. [2]

    3. The “historic Christian teachings” on Trinitarianism and the immortality of the soul contradict clear statements from the Lord Jesus Christ and are anathema. [3]

    4. The New World Translation is a very accurate translation. People who are biased in favor of supporting heretical Trinitarianism support the claim that it’s not. [4]

    5. The Bible study is in fact a study of the Bible, using any translation you want. Using a Bible study aid from Jehovah’s Witnesses begins as optional. [5]

    6. “Independent thinking” is not banned. We have a wide freedom on our reading selection. (For instance, I’m reading your blog! Ha!) We also like other people wisely refrain from reading hateful slander or bigoted libelous rants against Christianity. [6]

    The Problem with “False Prophecy” Polemics
    Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe that they should be above honest criticism and have not hidden the fact that they have made errors in their interpretations. But honest criticism implies respect for truth - the whole truth, not just extracts taken out of context and twisted to give an impression that they were never intended to give.

    False Prophecy or Misguided Interpretation of Prophecy?
    It was a breakthrough in deciphering Bible chronology and uprooting an inherited and cherished error from the 19th century that led to the sensational (and sometimes immaturely expressed) expectations for 1975. But this did not prevent Jehovah’s Witnesses from continuing to study the Bible and improve our understanding of it.

    The Test of a Prophet
    While Jehovah's Witnesses never claimed to be inspired or add to the Bible, there have been instances of immature interpretation of existing prophecy. But only the hateful would confuse that with being a false prophet. Ironically, the Trinitarians who accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of false prophecy are not only being hateful and therefore unchristian, but they are also advocating the worship of a new, false God, the Trinity. Therefore, per Deuteronomy, Trinitarianism must be executed. This is done by rejecting it: not being under its control, not fearing it.

    Carl Sagan on belief
    Depends on which world you’re talking about. Russell never meant planet earth, rather he meant the termination of “Gentile supremacy in the world.” (See the 1913 Watch Tower above.)

    ‘They keep changing the dates’: Jehovah’s Witnesses Changing Chronology by George D. Chryssides
    See his conclusion.

    Jehovah's Witnesses Child Abuse Policy--Exposing the Myths
    It is clear … that the child abuse policy of Jehovah's Witnesses is the best of all religions, bar none.

    For instance, see “A Lesson from Jesus’ Rebuke”

  3. [4]
    Have Jehovah’s Witnesses Changed the Bible to Fit Their Beliefs?
    No, we haven’t. On the contrary, when we have discovered that our beliefs were not completely in line with the Bible, we have changed our beliefs.

    Is the New World Translation Accurate? FAQ

    Read through this website:
    Since the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was published between 1950 and 1961 by Jehovah's Witnesses, it has been the object of much unwarranted criticism. The aim of this site is to discuss some of the criticisms of the New World Translation and to offer a defense.

    What Is a Bible Study?
    We take such topics as “God” or “marriage” and examine different Bible verses that relate to the subject. By comparing them, we see what the Bible as a whole says about the topic, and in this way we let the Bible interpret itself.
    To assist us in studying the Bible, we use the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?.

    What is an apostate?
    Also, Jehovah's Witnesses have more freedom than some want to acknowledge. We can read things outside of the 'Watchtower.' We can read a wide variety of things, even things written by ex-JW apostates that are not apostate in nature. For example, say one apostate ex-JW wrote a book that fills a niche that has nothing to do with religion, not even mentioning Jehovah's Witnesses or alluding to them. Yet, he also wrote apostate material in a separate, unrelated work. It is permissible to read his non-religious work? Why would it not be? A recent Awake! magazine did just that, even quoting from one.

  4. Hi Jim, you have posted a lot of links... I'll respond to your overall points quickly

    1. 1914 was predicted to be the end of the world. In 1889 the Watchtower published the second volume of Studies in the Scriptures, I have a copy of this, on p98-99 it says "within the coming twenty-six years all present governments will be overthrown and destroyed...we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A.D. 1914."

    2. The Watchtower HAS covered up paedophilia, one in a Kingdom Hall not too far from where I live in fact. See the BBC documentary "Suffer the Children" on BBC iPlayer and YouTube.

    3. The Trinity and soul are well founded Biblical teachings. Ask yourself why millions of people read the Bible and yet NEVER end up Jehovah's Witnesses - unless they are studying with JWs?

    4. The New World Translation is a terrible translation. What world class university uses it as it's translation? If it is so good, why don't other religious groups use it?

    5. My experience of a JW Bible Study has always been a book study.

    6. “Independent thinking” is not banned? Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1983 pg. 22 says you should avoid it.... You say you refrain from reading hateful slander or bigoted libelous rants against Christianity, but does this include books critical of Watchtower teaching? What about books by former JWs? Have you read "Crisis of Conscience"?

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.
