Sunday, 31 March 2013

He is Risen!

Happy Easter!

Christians have a traditional greeting at Easter.  Someone says, "Christ is risen", to which the reply is, "He is risen indeed".  

Jesus' resurrection 2,000 years ago changed everything.  That was the morning when death was defeated, and a relationship with God was made possible.  Sin and evil have lost, love and God have won.

Whether you believe Jesus rose from the dead, or not, that morning changed everything.  The resurrection is a fact of history, as well attested to as other events in the ancient world.  

If you have never experienced the power of Jesus, start searching today.  Ask the question - what happened that first Easter Sunday? The answer will change your life.

Image: Google Images

Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday 2013

Today is Good Friday, the day we remember Jesus' death on the cross.  

Jesus willingly gave his life for us, taking our punishment so that we don't have to.  If you ever doubt God's love for you, look to the cross.  Whoever you are, whatever you have done, Jesus literally thinks you are to die for.  

In a world where people often play a blame game, or refuse to accept responsibility for our wrong thoughts, behaviours and lack of love, the cross calls us to face up to who we are.  We are not perfect.  We all sin.  But Jesus came to liberate us from the eternal consequences of our sin.  

Because of Jesus' death we can have forgiveness, all we have to do is receive it.  

Come Sunday we will remember Jesus resurrection, but today we remember his death.  Jesus died alone, forsaken by virtually all his followers.  If you are lonely, Jesus knows what that's like.  Jesus suffered intense physical, emotional and spiritual pain (the word excruciating comes from Latin - of the cross).  If you are suffering, he knows what you're going through.

We do not worship a God who is distant, but a God who knows what it is to be human, to live and to die.

Why not get to know Jesus today?

Image: Google Images

Friday, 1 March 2013

Book Review - Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs -Christians Debate

I just read "Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs -Christians Debate" by GCN's Justin Lee (released as "Unconditional: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays Vs Christians Debate" in the UK).

This is a great book in which Justin shares his own story.  While he does explain why he believes that the Bible does not condemn gay and lesbian relationships, the focus is on a better way for Christians to relate to one another.  Rather than arguing, he says we need to learn to listen to each other, to learn from each other and love each other.

I loved this book - it's personal, it's Justin's life story.  He shares his heartaches, joys, and faith.  It's Biblical - Justin never lets go of the centrality of Jesus and the Bible.  It's relational, Justin shares some of the stories of people he has met along the way.  

I think this book is a refreshing change to books about gay debate.  Instead of just arguing for one side (which he does do!), it's less about proving a point of view, and more about how to live together.

I recommend this book to everyone who is interested in the Bible and gay people.  If you are gay you'll probably recognise much of yourself in Justin's story.  If you know someone who is gay and Christian, you'll gain valuable insight into our lives.

You can find out more at - and it's even available on Kindle!

Images: Google Images