Saturday, 17 March 2012


Rev Jeff Bert from the Metropolitan Community Church
joins a vigil for same sex marriage.
Over the last few weeks I have heard religious authorities describe me as (among other things) immoral, intrinsically disordered and sinful.  I have heard my relationship with my partner described as wrong, of no value, and as something that can produce no good spiritual fruit.  We hear pro-marriage groups starting campaign groups with titles such as "...for marriage", as if I'm somehow against marriage!

When we hear prominent religious leaders saying these things, it's hard.  It's painful.  And it makes me angry.  

I know Jesus calls me to love these people, who are my brothers in Christ.  He asks me to accept them - even if they will not love and accept me.  That's a hard teaching.  My human instinct is to react, to fight back.  But God calls us to a higher standard.

I'm praying for marriage equality, and I am asking the Holy Spirit to give me the love to love these men.  


Gay AND Christian