This week I've been told by several people that there is no such thing as a gay Christian. It's like "paedo Christian" or "thieving Christian".
Sadly, it seems like some people cannot tell the difference between love and lust, or love and stealing. They seem to assume their default position is correct, without ever having listened to another view point. That is sad. What's more tragic is when they declare we do not exist. That makes it easier to demonise us, to make us an "other", to oppress and crush us.
Being gay is not a choice. It's biological in it's very nature - DNA, MRI scans, fingerprints, left to right handed ratio, hair sworls, height, brain processing etc - all show that there is a biological basis to sexual orientation. Not to mention many gay people, myself included, have tried to become straight. I used counselling and self help - but I'm still gay. That's probably because it's in my DNA (!).
So my sexuality is a given. It is what it is, I can't change it. But what about my faith? I believe in Jesus, I trust him for forgiveness. I serve him in my Church and in the social circles I move in. I think it says a lot when more people know I'm a Christian than that I'm gay.
To say that there is no such thing as a gay Christian is crazy, it's just closing your eyes to the facts. Sure, we can have a conversation about whether gay and lesbian relationships are okay. That's another issue altogether. But gay and lesbian Christians do exist, we love and worship Jesus, who died and rose again for us too.
We will not be told we do not exist. We will not be oppressed, and as Troy Perry said, "we won't be afraid anymore". "God is for us, who can ever be against us? ...Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honour at God’s right hand, pleading for us." (Romans 8:31, 33-34)
Image: Google Images
How can we live our lives day to day? How can we know God? How can we understand the Bible? What about other religions? What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? Can gay and lesbian people be Christians? This blog is my attempt to deal with these kinds of questions. I believe the key teaching of the Bible is this: "We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are" (Romans 3:22).